Our Core Values

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. copy.png

Core values are like the roots on a strong oak tree that hold everything in place. The roots feed the nutrients to the rest of the tree and help determine the future of that tree. Our core values are like those roots. Our values hold us in place and determine who we become.  At Living Water Church, there are three key values that feed the nutrients into the life of LWC.


Our most important need is relationships!

The most important relationship we need to have is with God. At Living Water Church, we will help you in the journey of discovering and building a relationship with Him. Jesus is the pathway to God and is the only one who can save us from our brokenness brought on by sin. Placing our faith in Jesus Christ and his payment of sin on the cross allows us a restored relationship with Him.

In addition, we strongly value relationships with each other.  The only way we can grow into who God made us to be is through our relationship with one another.  We absolutely need each other. It’s not wise to do life alone. We must journey together as a family; investing and adding value into each other’s lives. At Living Water, we expect you to share your life experience so that others can learn from you.



We value reaching out and sharing the good news of Jesus with those who are far from God.  Telling the story of Christ’s forgiveness to those outside of the church and His love for them will always be the driving mission of Living Water Church. We want every member living out and sharing the good news.

We want to be a solution to our community’s needs.   Living Water church will always determine to reach out and meet the needs (physical, emotional, spiritual…) of the people in our surrounding community. We believe the church should be a viable solution for the problems and needs people have.

We value reaching inward.  We value each other because that is what it means to be family.  The goal is to consistently have a loving, friendly church that deeply cares for one another.  We want a church family that encourages and strengthens one another in the midst of life’s struggles.  In this way, we believe true life change takes place and helps every person be the person God wants them to be. 



We value connecting the gospel to people in very meaningfully ways in today’s world.  The Gospel taught over 2000 years ago is still very relevant to our lives today.  From Sunday morning messages to ministry in our community, we will always focus on practical ways to meaningfully impact people lives - whether it’s feeding the hungry or sharing the Gospel. We simply just want to make a difference. We will consistently strive to engage people in ways they can understand, embrace and live out the gospel. Our goal is to help every person grow as a follower of Jesus so that their life will make an impact on others now and into the future.  Thus fulfilling out mission of ‘growing God’s family here and around the world.’

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